Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is going to send e-notifications about uncashed
cheques to 25000 Canadians this month, another 25000 in this Novermber followed by
25000 more in May 2023.
CRA has approximately $1.4 billion worth of uncashed cheques in its coffers that have
accumulated over the years, with some dating back to 1998 due to changing address or
misplacing of cheques by tax payers.
CRA launched a campaign in February 2020 to get Canadians to cash their cheques
and says it has so far returned more than $800 million back to taxpayers.
The tax payers can check if they have uncashed payments by logging in to or signing
up for an online CRA account.
It is, therefore, very important to have an online account with CRA by every tax payers.